Increase Your Home’s Value
Solar can not only gives you control over your energy costs, but it can also tremendously increase your home’s value.
Lock in Energy Costs
When a solar system powers your home, you use considerably less electricity from the public utility, drastically reducing or in some cases, eliminating your electric bill.
Potentially Decrease Your Carbon Footprint
Renewable energy has had an incredible impact on the health of our planet. The average solar system in California reduces carbon emissions by 4.9 metric tons per year. This is the equivalent to an entire vehicle of emissions, every year!
*No Upfront Cost Solar for qualifying homeowners who obtain third-party approved financing.
Net Metering
Though there have been some recent state battles involving net metering, this incentive is available in certain markets and is undoubtedly one of the biggest reasons to go solar. Most solar homeowners will receive bill credits for their unused solar power from his or her utility.